Murchison Elementary School PTO
Creating a brighter future by supporting and enhancing the educational experiences of our students.
PTO Positions
The President shall preside at general meetings, act as chairman of the Executive Board, appoint committee chairpersons, and coordinate with the school principal.
Brandy Hammack
The Treasurer shall distribute funds under the direction of the Executive Board, make financial reports to present at general meetings, prepare and maintain books, and provide an annual report for financial review. The Treasurer will obtain one additional signature on all checks written with PTO funds.
Gina Pose
The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Executive Board and general meetings of the PTO, keep all minutes of these meetings and provide written reports for distribution to the general membership.
Jessica Gregory
VP - Activites
The Vice President shall support the president in their duties and assume duties of the President in their absence, as well as other duties as assigned.
Amy Gemma
VP - Hospitality
The Vice President shall support the president in their duties and assume duties of the President in their absence, as well as other duties as assigned.
Stephanie McRae
VP - Fundraising
The Vice President shall support the president in their duties and assume duties of the President in their absence, as well as other duties as assigned.
Paula Price
The Parliamentarian shall familiarize themselves with the current PTO by-laws and ensure that the PTO is acting in accordance with these procedures. The Parliamentarian shall attend all general meetings to facilitate the application of parliamentary procedure.
Tiffany Butler